
January 2nd, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

The St. John Community School Alliance was formed in October, 2006 to bring together community partners in support of three schools in St. John: Pickle Elementary, Webb Middle School and Reagan High School. In 2007, T. A. Brown Elementary added. Currently, over 55 partner organizations, including non-profits, churches, businesses, schools and community groups meet monthly to plan ways to coordinate youth support in the St. John area.

The Alliance has been the winner of the “100 Best Communities in America for Youth” award, given by the America’s Promise Alliance, for the past four years (2006-2010). We seek to fulfill the 5 Promises that America’s Promise Alliance promotes: caring adults, safe places for youth, a healthy start, effective education, and opportunities for service (www.americaspromise.org), as well as the APA’s emphasis on dropout prevention.

In three years, the Alliance has successfully organized community support to keep Webb MS open, sponsored events such as “HopeFest” and “Celebrate Education Week,” organized family resource centers at Webb MS and Reagan HS, created the “Stand Up for Reagan” community effort, and supported expanded after school and parent education programs. The Alliance has also been key the establishment of a “Promise Neighborhood” effort in St. John called the Austin Achievement Zone.

Alliance members meet each month on the second Tuesday from noon to 1:30 pm in the Webb Middle School Library.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 at Webb Middle School Library, Noon to 1:30 pm.

Upcoming Events: Thursday, Jan. 27: College and Career Fair, Webb Middle School, 9 am-12 pm.

Friday, January, 28 at 9:30 am. Reagan College and Career Fair for all schools in Reagan Vertical Team. Contact tiffany.roberson@austinisd.org for more info.

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